A Podiatrist will always perform a medical history and physical examination we may also use Ultrasound to peer inside the foot. Ultrasonography uses high-frequency sound (ultrasound) waves to produce images of internal structures of the foot. A device called a transducer converts electrical current into sound waves, which are sent into the foot. Gel is used on skin so the sound waves are not distorted whilst crossing the skin. The Podiatrist may vary the probe pressure and location whilst scanning the foot. A computer converts electrical signals into images which are displayed on a monitor. These images help us to make a diagnosis and select a relevant treatment option. Ultrasonography is painless and extremely safe there are none of the risks associated with X-rays or the claustrophobia of having an MRI scan. Patients can resume activities immediately after the scan.
Wakefield Podiatrists use Ultrasonography for a number of reasons
* Quantify arthritis in a joint.
* Safely an accurately guide a steroid or lubricating injection.
* Check for growths, cysts, neuroma's.
* Assess the thickness of a tissue i.e. when diagnosing plantar fasciitis.
* Assess ligaments, muscles and tendons for tears or ruptures.
* Assess blood flow.
* Help locate and anaesthetise nerves for foot surgery.
* Check the foot for foreign objects.
Call us on 01924 369077 / 375400 for more information.